Thursday, September 18, 2014

Unlocking "The Secret Door"

Thirteen years in the making but I've finally done it! I finally have all the Barbie movies, up to date! Today, I bought the newest one. A splurge for myself since I don't usually spend more than five dollars a piece on the movies. But Oh! How I love them!

The first movie I saw was of course the Nutcracker. It was a Christmas gift from my parents, and our whole family fell in love with it. Second came the Princess and the Pauper. Though we'd seen the others, Mom felt this one was the only other one besides the Nutcracker worth owning. I disagreed. Through the years I have pinched pennies, scrimped and saved. I've dug in Walmart bargain bins and searched Amazon used video sales. And finally. Finally! I have them all. And I love them.

This one in particular has stolen my heart.  From the day I saw the preview, I knew this would be an amaze musical. I'm a sucker for all things barbie, princess, mermaid, fairy, or musical. This has all of the above and so much more!

Without giving too much away, I'll say this. The story is about a princess who loves the adventure of books. She loves to read. HIDE and read. She hides from giving speeches, meeting ambassadors, taking dance lessons, and pretty much every responsibility a princess has. She wants to stay in her room all day and read. Nothing else. And believe me, Barbie! I get it. But that's not how you should live your life! 

Her grandmother tells her as much when she gives her a book that unlocks a secret door to a magical kingdom. A place where fairies and mermaids exist and magic is everywhere. Or was. Before this land's princess started taking it all for herself. 

As the story continues, we discover two things about our princesses. First, that Barbie's character Alexa has a complex about not being good enough. The people in her books are so perfect, if she can't be perfect why try? And second, that the evil princess Malucia is a total brat. Spoiled to no end!

As always, the story ends happily. Barbie saves the day. The brat is made to clean up her own messes. And all is magically well again in the plastic universe! 

I love it!!!! 

The next Barbie movie (which looks SUPER amaze! *wink*) doesn't come out till next spring. That isn't too far off, so money has been set aside in the movies jar. But until then! On to my next project! Monster High movies! Yay!

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